We offer innovative, technologically advanced ozone systems. Our technology is completely safe, environmentally friendly, based solely on natural processes occurring in nature – minimizing the use of chemicals almost to zero. Each of the technological processes is designed to the individual needs of the customer, allowing for the preparation of water with
We manage investments from concept through design, construction, and service – the systems are entirely produced in Poland. All ozone installations are supervised online, using a unique visualization system created by our engineers.
By applying precisely selected doses, we use ozone for various technological processes, including disinfection, advanced rapid oxidation and the production of ionized air blown into aerators. Our pioneering solution involves multi-stage contact columns, which prevent the formation of carcinogenic compounds (harmful to health) despite fluctuating flows and extremely poor parameters of the treated water.
In our systems we use hybrid, multi-block ozone generators that enable the alternating operation of individual technological blocks as well as their expansion.
The properties of ozone and the versatility of technological solutions allow for their implementation in many industrial sectors.
Maximum production safety is ensured through ozone CIP systems (Clean-In-Place), used among others for final cleaning and disinfection of production halls, machinery and technological equipment, as well as tanks.
The implementation of ozone technology allows for reduced usage of chemicals in cleaning and disinfection processes. It ensures 100% safety in food production, particularly where water comes into direct contact with food products. Systems for washing and disinfecting packaging and bottles enable sterilization without introducing chemical compounds into the product, such as chlorine or peracetic acid.
The offered solutions enable a significant reduction in water consumption and, in the future, consistent profit generation.
Lack of space and infrastructure is not a factor that eliminates the possibility of using our solutions. In such a situation, a container system proves to be effective. This type of setup offers the same capabilities as a stationary solution; furthermore, thanks to modular solutions the system can be quicly connected and commisioned. And if needed, an independent container system can even be relocated to a new place!
all over Poland
in many powiates
in many municipialites
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